How to Check if Your Natural Opal Stone is Working Properly?

 Opal stones, also known as "Doodhiya Patthar" in some cultures, are renowned for their captivating play of colors and mystical properties. These gemstones have been cherished for centuries for their unique beauty and believed metaphysical benefits. However, ensuring the authenticity and quality of natural opal stone is crucial for experiencing their full potential. In this guide, we'll explore how to determine if your natural opal stone is genuine and functioning as expected.

Introduction to Natural Opal Stone

Natural opal stone are formed from silica and water, often found in regions with volcanic activity. They exhibit a mesmerizing phenomenon known as opalescence, where they reflect an array of colors when exposed to light. Opal stones are treasured not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for their reputed healing properties and spiritual significance.

Understanding the Properties of Natural Opal Stone


Opal stones are composed primarily of silica spheres arranged in a regular pattern. This unique structure diffracts light, creating the iridescent colors characteristic of opal.

Color Variations

Natural opal stones come in various colors, including white, black, gray, and boulder opals. The intensity and patterns of colors can vary widely, making each stone distinct and captivating.


Opalescence refers to the phenomenon where opal stones display a vibrant play of colors when light interacts with their internal structure. This optical effect is what gives opals their enchanting appearance.

Importance of Ensuring the Authenticity of Opal Stone

With the rising demand for opal stone, the market is flooded with synthetic and imitation versions. Authenticity is crucial not only for investment purposes but also for harnessing the purported metaphysical properties associated with natural opals.

How to Check the Authenticity of Natural Opal Stone?

Visual Inspection

Genuine opal stones typically exhibit a unique play of colors that cannot be replicated in synthetic or imitation stones. Look for vibrant and dynamic color patterns under different lighting conditions.

Scratch Test

Natural opal stones are relatively soft compared to other gemstones. A genuine opal should not scratch glass easily. However, caution is advised as this test can damage the stone if performed improperly.

Density Test

The density of an opal can provide clues about its authenticity. Natural opals have a specific gravity ranging from 1.9 to 2.3, whereas synthetic opals may have a lower density.

UV Light Test

Under ultraviolet (UV) light, natural opal stones may exhibit fluorescence or phosphorescence. This test can help distinguish between natural and synthetic opals, as synthetic ones often lack this characteristic.

Fire Test

Heating a natural opal stone can reveal its true colors and any potential treatments it may have undergone. Natural opals may show flashes of color or "fire" when heated, while synthetic stones may remain unchanged.

Tips for Purchasing Natural Opal Stone

Buy from reputable dealers who provide certificates of authenticity.

Inspect the stone closely for any signs of damage or inconsistencies.

Consider consulting with a gemologist or expert before making a purchase.

Maintaining the Quality of Opal Stone


Clean opal stones gently with a soft cloth and mild detergent. Avoid harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners, as they can damage the stone's delicate surface.


Store opal stones away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures to prevent dehydration and cracking. Consider wrapping them in a soft cloth or storing them in a padded box to protect against scratches.


Natural opal stones are not only exquisite gemstones but also sources of wonder and fascination. By following these guidelines for authenticity and care, you can ensure that your opal stone remains a cherished and meaningful possession for years to come.

Red Coral: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Choosing the Best


If you're in the market for a new piece of jewelry or you're an avid collector, you've likely come across the beautiful and unique gemstone known as red coral. This stunning gemstone has been highly sought after for centuries, and for good reason.

In this guide, we'll dive deep into everything you need to know about red coral, including its history, properties, and how to choose the best pieces for your collection.


The History of Red Coral


Red coral has a rich and fascinating history that dates back to ancient times. It was highly prized by the Egyptians, who believed it had magical properties that could protect them from harm. It was also valued by the Greeks and Romans, who used it in their jewelry and as a decorative material.


During the Renaissance period, red coral became even more popular. It was considered a symbol of wealth and status, and it was often used in royal jewelry.


Today, red coral is still highly valued and sought after. It is used in a wide variety of jewelry, including necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings.


The Properties of Red Coral


Red coral is a unique gemstone that is formed from the skeletons of small marine animals known as polyps. It is typically found in the Mediterranean Sea and is known for its deep red color, which can range from pinkish-red to deep crimson.


In addition to its stunning color, red coral is also known for its hardness and durability. It has a rating of 3.5 on the Mohs scale, which means it is harder than most other gemstones except for diamonds, sapphires, and rubies.


One of the unique properties of red coral is that it is believed to have healing powers. It is often used in alternative medicine to help with a variety of ailments, including digestive problems and skin conditions.


Choosing the Best Red Coral Jewelry


If you're interested in adding red coral jewelry to your collection, there are a few things you should keep in mind when making your purchase.


First, it's important to choose a reputable seller who specializes in high-quality red coral jewelry. Look for a seller who has a good reputation and who is willing to provide information about the source and quality of their red coral.


Next, consider the color and size of the red coral pieces you're interested in. While deep red coral is the most sought after, there are also other colors available, such as pink and orange. Consider the size of the coral pieces as well, as larger pieces can make a bold statement while smaller pieces are more subtle.


Finally, think about the style of jewelry you prefer. Red coral can be used in a variety of styles, from classic and traditional to modern and trendy. Consider your personal style and preferences when choosing your red coral jewelry.


In Conclusion


Red coral is a unique and stunning gemstone that has been highly prized for centuries. Whether you're a collector or simply looking for a new piece of jewelry, red coral is a great choice that is sure to make a statement.


By following the tips and information in this guide, you can choose the best red coral jewelry for your collection and enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of this amazing gemstone.

Buy Affordable Pitambari Neelam Stone Online | Brahmagems


Are you buying Pitambari Neelam Stone Online? Well Brahmagems is a leading online store in Delhi , India. Pitambari Neelam Stone is a precious, bi-color variety of sapphire from the Corundum mineral family that contains yellow and blue hue in varying proportions. Our Pitambari Neelam Stone is natural and pure product. Pitambari Neelam Stone design are very beautiful and gorgeous

Pitambari stone, known in vedic astrology as the union of Pukhraj (yellow sapphire) and Neelam (blue sapphire), is highly advised to be worn for financial prosperity, elevated social position, good fortune, and a healthy physique.

Pitambari Neelam Stone is a precious, bi-color variety of sapphire from the Corundum mineral family that contains yellow and blue hue in varying proportions. The blue color is particularly rare and is sourced from deep within the mountain range in India. It also has a crystalline structure like a diamond, which makes it timeless and less prone to damage.

Pitambari Neelam Stone, is a precious stone that is found in the soil of the Himalayan Mountains. The name Pitambari Neelam Stone is derived from the Sanskrit word “pitambari” which means “to protect” and “Neelam” which means “blue."

The stone is said to provide protection against the negative energies of planets and brings peace in one's life. It also helps people to get rid of their worries and tensions.

Pitambari Neelam Stone is a gemstone that can be found in the form of a crystal. It is also known as the blue sapphire stone. The name “Pitambari” means “one who dispels darkness” and “Neelam” means “blue.”

This stone is one of the most popular stones for healing and meditation because it has a calming effect on the mind and body. These qualities make it an ideal stone for children, adults, and elders alike.

We have a largest collections of Pitambari Neelam stone and various types of Neelam Stone. It offers the advantages of both blue and yellow sapphires. Yellow, white, and blue are occasionally used as third colours. Since they are rare and natural, the proportions can differ from one PC to another.

Astrological Benefits of Natural Zircon

 Zircon is a natural gemstone with the astrological benefits of the Nesosilicates mineral family. Natural zircon stone is available in various colors like white, blue, yellow, red, orange, green, etc. The colorless variety of the zircon or the white zircon is often recommended as the astrological gemstone substitute for the diamond. Zircon is the birthstone for people born in December and can also be worn for healing purposes. According to Vedic astrology, zircon is associated with the planet Venus. Astrologers believe that a natural zircon online for Cancer, Libra, and Taurus zodiac sign people can strengthen weakly placed Venus. It can help to gain mental peace, positive attitude, confidence, marital harmony, and health bliss.

  • One of the most popular natural gemstoneszircon, is beneficial in marriage-related problems like delay in marriage and finding the right partners. As ruled by the Venus planet, which is responsible for marriage, this gemstone bestows marital bliss. According to astrology, the weak placement of Venus in the horoscope can hamper the marital life of a person. Wearing natural zircon helps to abolish the negative impact and benefits the wearer by developing love and mutual understanding. A natural zircon online can bring immense happiness and love to relationships.
  • Natural zircon has exceptional benefits in curing hormonal, urinary, and reproductive disorders. Due to its healing therapies, wearing a natural Zircon benefits the wearer in getting a speedy recovery from abdominal issues, fever, insanity, epilepsy, lungs, bronchial, general respiratory problems, and reproductive disorders. Additionally, it provides relief from diabetes and migraine attacks. Zircons, as natural gemstoneshelp in healing dizziness and muscle problems.
  • It is believed that natural zircon stone improves financial and social status. As it is ruled by the planet of beauty and luxury, i.e., Venus, Zircon bestows the wearer with financial luck, fame, and social recognition. Wearing astrological gemstones like a natural Jarkan positively affects the individual’s financial status by bringing new opportunities and income sources. It does wonder in bringing financial and career-related progress. It further helps a person gain more confidence and acceptance.
  • Natural Zircon stimulates the creative skills of the wearer engaged in creative careers like writing, art, entertainment, and public relations. A natural zircon gemstone online improves the awareness of the wearers about their work. It also makes them active in fulfilling duties and responsibilities.
  • Natural zircon as astrological gemstones provides a great holistic effect to its wearer. It brings a physical, emotional, and spiritual balance to the body. This beautiful gemstone brings purity and peace to the heart. It provides a clear passage to blocked energies in the body to bring harmony. Zircon makes the wearer inquisitive about science and the knowledge of the truth.
  • Zircon is a very good stone, especially for women. It helps women to get along better with other women and acquire superiority. Pregnant women can have physical and mental strength through this natural zircon to give birth. It increases concentration for studies and helps you in practicing meditation. It turns your dreams into reality. It provides physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. This natural zircon online helps in enhancing the memory of the wearer.

Astrological Benefits of White Coral

 Weak planets can cause havoc hazardous to a person’s life. Only original natural gemstones can protect you from the negative effects of the wrong planet position. The gemstone called white coral is ruled by the mighty planet Mars, the planet of wars. Natural white coral stone has many wonderful spiritual benefits. In ancient times, sailors used to carry this white coral gemstone to get protected themselves from sea monsters. Amongst the many kinds of Corals, the two main ones used in Vedic Astrology for healing benefits are the White Coral and the Red Coral. White coral online addresses the position of Mars in cancer. Only an authentic and premium quality safed moonga gemstone online from shops like Brahma Gems can deliver real benefits.

The Top Benefits of White Coral

The White Coral Gemstone is often referred to as Shwet Praval and Safed Moonga. It comes from seawater on the branches of plant reefs. This stone has impelling magical properties and brings positive changes to those who wear it. The reason for its magical forces is it is connected with the dominant planet Mars. Mars represents strength, wisdom, courage, intellect, sexual power, determination, and enthusiasm. Benefits:

  • Used in Alternative Medicines
  • For safe pregnancy and Stable Relationships
  • Gives Mental Stability
  • Boosts Immune System


To acquire all the above-described benefits, one should wear this auspicious gemstone on a Tuesday morning with a copper metal ring right on the ring finger of the right hand. White coral online from Brahma Gems is natural and Organic White coral with great Jyotish weight. They are not bleached, dyed, or filled with fillers. Their White coral gemstone has a smooth and polished surface. Their natural gemstones are handpicked and true Astrological gemstones. You should be cautious while purchasing authentic white coral gemstones because many unscrupulous gem sellers sell camel bone or plastic to unaware buyers. Apart from essential benefits, White coral gemstone provides a bright, mesmerizing look to its wearer. This Natural white coral stone can be worn as jewelry as rings, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, and more.

Original Source

How to wear Ruby?

Wear a red coloured dress as it is the colour of the Sun as a part of the procedures of wearing the gemstone. The gemstone should be embedded in the ring in a way that the gem touches the finger. You should wear Ruby on a Sunday morning between 5 am to 6 am.  In the morning, dip it in Ganga water to wash away all the negativity, burn the incense stick and pray to God Sun to have his blessings. With concentration, recite mantras and the intent for your wish. Now, wear the ring on the ring finger of your right hand. 

You can recite any mantra which reveres Lord Sun before wearing Natural Ruby Gemstone. Chant for 108 times: “ Om Suryay Namah.” Ruby affects a person for four years. Always buy the gemstone from a reliable and certified source like Brahma Gems.

A person with a weak Sun faces problems like blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and more. Ruby is the gemstone of Lord Sun that brings authority and dignity, in other words, good decision-making power. One of the striking effects of Ruby is that it clears the mind, makes it sharp, and dissolves any confusion. It helps the wearer progress in self-awareness and helps him or her to realize the truth. Brahma Gems, a provider of real original natural gemstones, will deliver you genuine Ruby with a certificate to prove its authenticity. 

How to wear Pitambari Gemstone?

 Firstly, always make sure you buy certified natural gemstones from an authentic dealer. Before wearing a Pitambari gemstone, one must strive to understand how to energize the gemstone to get positive vibes from it. According to expert astrologers, wearing natural Pitambari is beneficial for the welfare of a person whose position on the planets Jupiter and Saturn are vulnerable according to their horoscope. Also, Pitambari gemstone relieves a variety of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual deflections from your life. 

Thursday or Saturday at sunrise is the best day and time to wear a Pitambari gemstone. However, before wearing this auspicious gemstone, start by dipping the ring in a mixture of Ganges water, milk, honey, ghee, and sugar. 

After that, light five agarbatti monikers and start chanting "OM GREEM GROOM SA GURUVEH NAMAH" for 108 times and seek the blessings of Shani Dev. It is recommended by expert astrologers to wear Pitambari gemstone on a 'silver' band in the middle or ring finger for maximum benefits. 

Ayurveda suggests that if an individual wears Pitambari while suffering from illnesses and diseases such as fever, heart disease, or cough, they can see positive health benefits against these ailments.

How to Check if Your Natural Opal Stone is Working Properly?

  Opal stones, also known as "Doodhiya Patthar" in some cultures, are renowned for their captivating play of colors and mystical p...