What are the facts behind wearing rudraksha?

Since time immemorial the Himalayas have been a site of mysticism, wisdom, & exquisite natural resources. The oldest religion & practice on earth, Hinduism, has many of its roots in the Himalayas. 

Lord Shiva, part of the trinity of Gods, also known as the destroyer, is said to be in residence in the Himalayas, specifically Mount Kailash. Not only that but, the river Ganges, the most revered & holy river for the followers of Hinduism, has its origin in the Himalayas. According to the epic Ramayana, Lord Hanuman brought in the lifesaving plant known as the Sanjeevani Buti from the Himalayas to revive Laxmana. 

The mythical, magical, and powerful seed of a fruit, the Rudraksha, also originates from the mystical Himalayas. 

Rudraksha seeds come from the Elaeocarpus ganitrus tree. Primarily sourced from India, Indonesia, and Nepal, the auspicious beads have between 1-21 lines (mukhi). About 80% of rudrakshas available today are either four, five (most common), or six mukhi. The Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is the rarest rudraksha. 

Rudraksha is a Sanskrit compound word and combines the two words Rudrā (Lord Shiva's name) & Akśa (tears). So, Rudraksha beads are said to be tears of Lord Shiva after thousands of years of meditation. 

In the Rudraksha Upanishad, an ancient Hindu text included in the Vedas, it is said that even uttering the word Rudraksha holds both pranic & Karmic merit. Wearing the beads is akin to smearing oneself with sacred ash & it can absolve a human of all sins. 

The sacred beads have been worn since ancient times by Gods, sages, kings, queens, scholars, and people from all walks of life because of their many benefits, including growth, success & wellbeing. 

Today the beads are equally popular, if not more, with thousands of people intending to buy rudraksha mala online & offline. 

However, if you are indecisive about purchasing rudraksha, before making a decision to look for rudraksha mala online or offline, look at the fascinating facts about wearing rudraksha. 

Facts behind wearing rudraksha

  • Legend has it

There are two legends of rudraksha.

One states that after thousand years of meditation, when Lord Shiva opened his eyes, he shed tears of compassion for the sufferings, struggles, & pain of the unenlightened beings. Those teardrops gave rise to Rudraksha trees. 

Another legend states that Lord Shiva on the behest of other Gods and scholars Lord Shiva decided to use his powerful weapon the Aaghor to destroy the demon Tripurasur who was causing suffering & chaos. But on realizing the ill effects of the weapon itself, Lord Shiva became emotional & shed tears which gave rise to the Rudraksha tree. 

  • Checking on negative & positive prana

Ancient sadhus and sanyasis used Rudraksha to judge whether a waterbody was poisoned or not before drinking from it. If the bead (held above the water body) went clockwise, the water was good, but if it went anticlockwise, the water was poisoned. Similarly, it is said that if the bead is held above any substance with positive pranic energy, it will go clockwise and if it is held above any substance with negative pranic, it will go anticlockwise. 

  • Different deities, mantras, &  celestial bodies for different Rudraksha

Only 1-14 Mukhi Rudraksha should be worn by humans. Each Rudraksha comes with a beej mantra associated with a corresponding celestial body & ruling deity. This mantra has to be chanted when the bead is worn. For example, Lord Shiva is the ruling deity of ek Mukhi Rudraksha & the celestial body is Sun. So, the beej mantra is Om Hreem Namah. 

  • Ek mukhi Rudraksha’s value

The Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is associated with Lord Shiva; it is one of the rarest, most sought-after Rudraksha. It also has the blessings of Mahalaxmi. Whoever possesses the bead is said to be blessed with heightened concentration & confidence while also experiencing materialistic pleasure and wealth without bounds. 

  • The truth about Rudraksha mala

Traditionally the auspicious beads are strung together into a mala with either a cotton or a silk thread. In a mala, most commonly, there are 108 plus one bead. The extra bead is called a Bindu & without it, the mala is incomplete & it's energy becomes cyclical making the user dizzy. For an adult, an 84+ beads mala with a Bindu is okay, any less than that is ineffective. 

  • The need of Japa or chanting

Just wearing the beads is good, but to make it more effective, it is advised that the wearer practices Japa where the beej mantra is chanted repeatedly 108 times a day while counting the beads. The practice should be done while submitting yourself to Lord Shiva. 

  • Energy at it’s core

Shaivas or believers in Lord Shiva/Shaivism believe that the holy beads are powerful enough to create a cocoon of the wearer's own energy. This acts as a support system no matter the place, situation, or circumstance. This worked wonders for ancient Sadhus and Sanyasis who constantly traveled from one place to another. 

  • The many faced beads

There are more than 21 types of Rudraksha. Each type of bead has a different number of segments etched on them. These segments are called faces or Mukhis. They are Rudraksha identifiers. From one to 21, there are many Mukhis of Rudraksha, and each has a different aesthetic as well as holistic value. 

  • Keep negative energies at bay

Rudrakshas act as shields against negative energies according to astrologers and followers of Shaivism. They are protective and some beads like the Gauri Shankar rudraksha positively affect the wearer's life as a whole. That is why many people prefer to buy Gauri Shankar Rudraksha over others. 

  • Scientific effect of Rudraksha

The holy Rudraksha beads have many scientific properties and hold an important place in Ayurveda. It can lower blood pressure, calm nerves, increase focus, and bring about a level of composure & alertness in a person. 

In the end

If you follow the rules of wearing the Rudraksha, if you chant the corresponding beej mantra, according to astrologers and Rudraksha scholars, you are bound to experience the positive effects of the holy beads. However, when you choose to buy Rudraksha mala online or offline, make sure you choose a reputable and trustworthy source like Brahma Gems

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